Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I have a super power!

The amazing power of smell! Don't get me wrong, my senses were heightened with Landon but NEARLY as much as this time around.

I. Smell. Everything.
And it all makes me gag.

Even the slightest of scents, I can smell. Anything else that's got a strong smell (food cooking, body wash in the shower, etc) that would NORMALLY smell good to me is just repulsive. Any overbearing scent just kills my nose.

It's interesting to be able to smell this way, but at the same time I am wishing it would go away because I'm sure that's one of the reasons I'm so nauseous all the time.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

week 12 and 13

During week 12, the baby was about as long as a peach (2 inches) and weighed about 1/5 of an ounce.

This week (13, starting today) the baby has grown to be about the size of a lemon.... a good 3" and is now officially an ounce in weight! WOOHOO!!! I know it seems small and silly, but I feel like I've been waiting a while to get to this point =)

Oh yes... and I am OFFICIALLY in the second trimester!! I'm 1/3 of the way through this thing!! I can't wait to meet my little one =) Although I will admit... I am liking being pregnant this time around compared to with Landon.... I love him dearly and believe everything I endured was WELL worth it but I HATED being pregnant .. lol!

Early last week I also believed I started feeling flutters from the baby, and now the last day or two I've felt them in the same spot every time, at least once or twice a day. It's pretty exciting to get to this point... I can't wait to feel them become stronger and more frequent so I can know my little Sprout is doing well.

Only a few more weeks until we can find out the gender!! I can't WAIT!!

Friday, March 16, 2012

11 weeks (a little late... whoops!)

I know tomorrow I am 12 weeks tomorrow... I've been so out of it this week with morning sickness and all but forgot to post my 11 week update.

This week, the baby is about 2" long, the size of a lime, and weighs around 1/2 an ounce. The kidney's are starting to function this week, and have begun to "cycle" amniotic fluid throughout his/her body.

No new symptoms. I *think* I can feel little flutters at least once a day. It's always in the same spot, and it feels like Sprout is just spazzing out for a moment, then it all stops and I feel nothing the rest of the day. He/she probably exhausts itself after such a movement LOL!

Still have obnoxious morning sickness, and I've found it gets worse as the day goes on. Blah. Constipation is a fun symptom as well. I still have a lot of mucus congestion, but again, it's not anything that clogs my sinuses or anything so it doesn't bother me too badly.

I will be sure to update everybody tomorrow for my 12 week update! Although it feels like this pregnancy is going SOOOO SLOW, at the same time it seems to be flying by when I think about it....

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

down in the dumps

It's amazing how easily the reality of things can just pile up on you in a random moment... and trying to process through it all can seem impossible.

Over the past few hours, that's exactly what's happened to me.

All my doubts and fears about adding another member to our family has just become frightening to me. I have to keep reminding myself we MEANT for this to happen. It will be okay in the end. We wouldn't have done this if we weren't sure we could make it work. Then my mind just wanders off into the unknown world of "what if's".

I do my best to relax and take things as they come... I know full well life will ALWAYS happen and the way you perceive things in your mind's eye will not always come true. I am okay with that, that's the beauty of living.  But so help me, at least once a month or every other month, everything just weighs on me like a ton of bricks. It's hard to think through all the "problems" before me and figure out what we are going to do. It's exhausting and frustrating.

I think that's God's way of telling you to stop trying to tackle things head-on for one day, and to try again another day. A few good hours of sleep and some relaxing time always do me good and the answers become clear.

That's where I'm at right now. I'm tired, I'm frustrated, and I'm just confused on a few separate subjects. It makes me emotional and disturbed to have these kinds of thoughts, let alone not being able to product solutions for them. I'm going to try and calm myself. I will probably put Landon to bed early tonight and hide in my room for a while..... I just can't handle this day any longer.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

10 weeks

Hooray for double digits!!!! I am 1/4 of the way through this pregnancy =) The baby graduated from an embryo to an actual fetus (lol) and will be an inch and a half long (about the size of a strawberry!) Sprout also now weighs around 1/4-1/3 of an ounce.

Still the same symptoms as always..... newest one I do have is that I can now feel my uterus. It has officially grown out of my pelvis and just by gently pressing. If I bend the right wrong way or if I have unnecessary weight placed on my abdomen, I have an extremely uncomfortable-type pressure.

I am so excited to know that in just a few short weeks I will finally be able to feel movement from Sprout =) As much as time seems to be standing still, it's apparent when I think about it that time is going quite fast. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012


I have a disgusting non-brushed/metal-y aftertaste in my mouth almost nonstop now days. Its what turns my stomach and repels most foods. It makes everything smell funny and taste funny.My gag reflex is still in full bloom. Most of the time if I cough or sneeze, I end up gagging... from there, its a 50/50 chance if I vomit. Lovely. If it werent for these issues, I would be fine. Oh well.... Im the one who wanted symptoms so I would know without question if Sprout was doing alright. Hopefully it will subside in a few weeks and I can be morning sickness-free!