No, I am not meaning "O" as in "orgasm"... bahahahahaha. I am meaning ovulation!!! It's finally here!! Got almost-positive tests all yesterday, and this morning it was super faint so I thought for sure my almost-positives were positives... I took a test with me to work just to be sure my LH surge had come and gone... low and behold it turned out to be a BLAZING positive test!! I am ovulating today!! I took another test around 6pm tonight when I got home from work and it is not as intense at my afternoon OPT, but it's definitely still positive!!
This marks my journey into the TWW (two week wait!!). I will be visiting family and friends Sept 4-12, so more than likely I will be POAS (peeing on a stick) several times while I am there, praying for my BFP(big fat positive)!
Praying we got this lil eggie this month!! I know it's likely doubtful we did... it usually takes several cycles. I calculated my ovulation time for last month and we POTENTIALLY could have been pregnant last month.. but obviously that didnt work out.
This is our second cycle and even though the chances of conceiving any month are around 20%, my hopes are high. Honestly, in my heart, I just *know* this is probably not our month... but only time will tell!
From top to bottom: (Monday's Test, Tuesday's Test, Wednesday's Test)
Top to bottom: (Preggo test because I have never done one like this and I was curious, Tuesday's test, Wednesday Morning test and wednesday Night test)
Finally, today's BLAZING BFP!! Same test, two different distances from the camera.. lol. I'm obsessed! So sorry!!
It's absolutely beautiful and heartwarming to me to see those wonderful two lines burning brightly... gives me a small peace of mind. My heart is full of happiness and I am absolutely content. I felt like I was never going to get my positive ovulation tests, and here I am; able to pee on any one of my tests and get a beautiful positive result. Thank you God for this wonderful day =)
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