So July 14th my friends threw me a baby shower (like I have mentioned a couple times), and while they were hoping to keep the shower a secret, my friend Jessica (who is one of the girls throwing it) spilled the beans to me in early June. However, they DID keep a HUGE secret from me... my Mom ended up flying in and surprising me with a couple day visit and was able to attend my baby shower =D It was absolutely amazing! I was thrilled now only to have her there, but just the fact that NOBODY I KNEW told me she was coming absolutely blew my mind! (Everybody at the store knew and they are notorious for giving away secrets, and even Landon knew but never said a word! Amazing!)

As far as what we received from the shower, it was WAY more than I ever expected! I have so many giving and thoughtful friends and people in my life. My mom bought us the swing we were hoping for, about 6 people from work went in together and got us a TON of Amazon giftcards... my friend Katie got us another Amazon giftcard, my friend Kim got us several necessary supplies, and my friend Heather got us the Aveeno hygiene supplies we had been wanting. My mother-in-law and sister-in-law got Caius some adorable outfits as well! (This child will be quite stylin', rofl!) We were able to order all kinds of supplies we wanted from Amazon. Also, we had a "virtual baby shower" between the girls and I on our pregnancy forum and I received a "kick piano" thing that you hang on the crib siding for them to kick and make music and it is absolutely adorable!

We have a ton of clothes, the closet is all set up, and we received our final shipment of cloth diapers in the mail! I'm so excited to have everything together and ready, even though I'm about 9 weeks away from delivery... I have this strong feeling we will be having Caius a week or two in advance so I wanted to make sure everything got accomplished before I ran out of energy completely. We have all the bottles and second step-up nipples we need, we have another package of cloth diaper detergent, we have a ton of formula in case breastfeeding doesn't work out and my supply sucks (again...), and I couldn't possibly think of anything else we need to accomplish before he gets here (with the exception of MAYBE rearranging our bedroom.)

After plenty of debating and mild arguments with Alex (lol) we decided to go ahead and keep the baby bedding we have. I've rearranged all of Caius' clothes a million times. We were also discussing a take-home outfit for him from the hospital. We were thinking of of these pictured monster outfits would probably be the winner...
I'm so excited to meet my newest little man!!
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