So the first time I got pregnant, everybody knows it was a surprise and at a very inconvenient time of life, to say the least. We were blessed with a place to live and we both had jobs, but ultimately I felt cheated. Everybody had such wonderful memories and circumstances during their pregnancies. With Landon, I had just moved away from my family and friends and didn't know many people and was depressed often and felt lonely. I told Alex about the pregnancy accidentally and didn't get to tell him in a way that would have been memorable and wonderful. We did not have air conditioning and I was used to dry summers... not these humid summer Missouri has to offer. I had morning sickness 7 out of 9 months of my pregnancy, and vomited at LEAST 3 times a day. I fell down the stairs at around 20 weeks and broke my tailbone. I had no idea all the emotions and such that went into being pregnant, plus Alex and my's living-together relationship was brand new and we had to get used to each other. I got chigger bites all over my legs and arms. At 28 weeks I was hospitalized for a kidney infection. Overall, there was nothing wrong with my pregnancy, but I was so miserable the whole time that I failed to pay attention and take in all the wonderful things happening.
Things are different this time around. I wanted them to be completely opposite of what happened with Landon. I love my son to death and he's amazing. We wouldn't trade his craziness for anything. But I have to be honest... I am excited about us knowing full well we intend on conceiving. I am excited to think of a creative way to inform my darling hubby of our wonderful news once I get a positive test result. I'm excited to tell our families and friends in an exciting way as well. I'm excited to know we have our own home now and pay our own bills and can fully accommodate another child. I enjoy and take comfort in knowing we KNOW what we are getting into this time around.... the emotions that may or may not be present; I am ready for morning sickness and know how to handle it better; I have friends and a full life established in the state of Missouri now so I feel like I have a wonderful support group, as well as my friends and family back in California. We aren't diving into things blindly. The only things we DON'T know about this next child are the obvious (features, gender, personality, etc) and we will have to adjust our lives to having two children instead of one. That might be an interesting thing to play out.... but it's all part of life. If other people can do it, there's no reason we cannot.
Overall, I am already thrilled with the whole idea! I am praying there are no complications or hardships along the way. As many know, there's been way too much downside in our lives recently and I am hoping for some kind of good news to spring up out of all of this turmoil.
I'm not sure when I will post next... or what it will be about. But hopefully time goes quickly so we can get this show on the road!! =) Until next time everybody!!
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