...that is the question!!
I recalculated my periods... I randomly remembered my April period, and with that my Mays period info came flooding back to my mind. So essentially, my period is to start on the 26/27 this month. So the other two tests I did a week or so ago when I thought I was gonna start on the 18th were done in vain... Sooo that being said, I have one more test before payday I can take. My period is supposed to start wednesday... I would really like to take it now though, and I keep having to talk myself out of it.
I dont want to waste ANOTHER preggo test if I can help it. Im not sure how I would feel if it came back positive though. Ive planned for this month to be negative and now all of a sudden I really COULD get a positive this month... Its exciting and terrifying at the same time. I feel like I would be dumbfounded if it were positive, but depressed if it were negative.
I told myself last night (while debating if I would take it in the morning or not) I would wait until the 27th to take it. Then when I got to work today, I convinced myself to take it Monday morning after taking Alex to work... Now that its almost 8 hours later, Im debating whether I should take it tomorrow morning or not... Three days away from my potential period .... I should hope it would be accurate by then! My fear is that it will be a failed attempt, something will go wrong with the test and I will be left high and dry till payday or whenever my period starts (at least I would have my answer then!)
I just dont know.... Nobody really knows we are trying now, except for a select few people, so we cant really ask others what think I should do...
Oh well. I know in my gut it's negative...
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