The cloth diapering has been one constant headache since I started looking into it a good 6-ish months ago when we started trying to conceive. Tonight I sat down and put my all into the research and have decided on a brand to try and picked out a few types of this one brand. I am so excited to finally have some sort of direction! Even if this brand turns out to be crappy and/or doesn't work for Sprout very well, I am thankful for the amount of knowledge I have accumulated the last few hours =D

Now for breastfeeding... with Landon, it didn't work so well. Firstly, I was distracted by several factors in home life as well as the first few days in the hospital. The nurses were of no help and while I signed up for a lactation consultant to call me, I never received anything from said person(s). It was rough. I was new to motherhood and everything seemed so foreign and overwhelming. While the actual act of breastfeeding didn't last as long as I had hoped, I did pump for quite some time for him. I got sick several times and lost milk supply, and while my pump was a nice pump for what I paid for it, it did NOTHING to help me build up my supply and create a "pleasant" experience.
THIS TIME AROUND, I am determined to not only make the act of breastfeeding my baby work, I have ordered a new pump that has gotten amazing reviews and will be taking a class (or two... or more if they offer them!) on breastfeeding so I can hopefully be ready to meet my child's needs and do this properly this time! We are also living in our own home now and I can have the privacy/relaxation I need to get this breastfeeding thing down! If I get sick during breastfeeding, not only will I (hopefully) have my child to help me build my supply back up, but this pump is guaranteed to increase milk production (pictured to the left: Ameda Purely Yours Breast Pump - Carry All). I am certain this time around we will make breastfeeding work !!!!
I am excited to make it to September/October and get my little Sprout here in my arms to love and nurture!
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