So obviously I am WAAAAAY too early to have any concrete evidence of what we are for sure having, but I thought it would be fun to pass the time and take a couple tests and see what I am predicted!

That being said, this is "IntelliGender". (Note: in the directions it says to wait until your 10th week of pregnancy or beyond to try it out, but on the box is says 6 weeks. I looked it up and people said they got the same results at 6 weeks as opposed to 10+ weeks... so whatever!)
It comes with a little cup to pee in, a syringe and a little plastic container with some chemicals in it. You pee in the cup, take the syringe and suck up the amount of pee needed, then inject the urine into the plastic container. After doing so, you swirl the "ingredients" for about 10 seconds, then place it on a flat surface for five minutes. You don't pick it up/touch the test in those five minutes, and you read the results without holding them up to the light. What you see is what you get essentially.... silliness perhaps, but still fun!
So after doing so and waiting out my five minutes, this is the result I got:
So, long story short, intelliGender predicts we are having another boy! I don't think there's any debate on whether that color is yellow or green (lol!)
Another baby-predictor that a ton of people use is called the "chinese gender calendar". It predicts what you will have based on your age and when you conceived. This method as well predicts we will have a little boy........ HOWEVER, that being said, with Landon it predicted we would have a girl.... so you never know! =D
I am all but 100% sure on what we are having, but I am going to be reserving my opinion for a later date! ^_~
What do you think?? Is Sprout going to be another boy or our first girl?
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