Soooo, I haven't updated in a few weeks..... whoopsie! Life has been very busy lately and I am exhausted by the end of most days.
Baby this week is about 10 inches long!! Crazy to think about that 10 weeks ago he/she was not even an inch long yet... creating a baby is something so awesome and remarkable :) I just love every minute!
I am HAPPY to announce as well that my morning sickness IS GONE!!!!! HOOOO-RAH!! Well, not completely... I still have a bad day here and there... but I am SO thrilled to not be barfing every day (or 2-3 times a day like I did with Landon!) My keen sense of smell is still in full bloom and I don't much care for it... it makes Alex revolting at times (LOL poor guy!)
Tuesdays my mom is coming out for a visit and will be here for 9 days :) Hopefully in that time I can get an ultrasound and find out what we are having! I feel SO STRONGLY that it's another little boy, yet I have this doubt lurking in the back on my mind.... time will tell!
Our stash of baby items is slowly growing almost everyday now! I've ordered so much stuff... currently I am waiting on our final (hopefully) stash of cloth diapers to come in. They are being shipped from China so it will take a while.. but I have 22 weeks (approx) left so I think we are good ^_~ Yesterday I got a huge shipment of wipes, bottles and formula. While we ARE going to breastfeed for as long as possible (well, up to 6ish months if he/she/my body is willing to cooperate) I wanted something in reserve just in case it doesn't go as planned, again. It doesn't expire until this little guy/gal potentially turns one, so after I am done breastfeeding we won't have to worry immediately about buying formula. I was planning on making one more formula purchase before he/she is born. Some people think it might be too much formula, but if that's the case I can always sell it before it expires.
Who knows what will happen..... but I am SOOOOO EXCITED regardless! I can't wait to have another addition to my wonderful little family :)
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