So as of yesterday I am 21 weeks along... over halfway there, woohoo! This week, baby is approximately 11" in length.. such a big baby already! At my ultrasound that I had on the 16th of this month, they estimated that this baby was already 14oz!! I am just over halfway, and I'm carrying almost a pound of baby already!! Maybe my doctor was right... this baby is probably going to be a hefty one! ^_~

I'm happy because it's unique (like we both enjoy) and not common at all. People either have LOVED the name, or pretended to tolerate it ^_~ Either way, we love it and could care less what others think =)

One last note: I do believe I am pretty much ready for Caius's arrival. I was "taking inventory" of all of our stuff, and regardless of a couple more things I would LIKE to have, we are ready for this little boy to get here. We have diapers (cloth diapers to use once his umbilical cord/circumcision heal and disposables for the first few weeks/until we get used to cloth), we have bottles, we have a ton of formula, we have my breast pump and accessories (regardless of whether he takes to breastfeeding or we have problems and have to formula feed, we are ready), we have a baby magic bullet to make him baby food when he's old enough, we have his crib and bedding (from Landon), we have the carseat and stroller still, we have Landon's old bouncer, we have Landon's old baby clothes, we still have Landon's old baby bathtub, we have an AWESOME baby bag (thank you Mom!!), and that's pretty much all we need to start. We need to clean/wash/assemble most of the stuff that we have from when Landon was a baby, but all-in-all we are ready!
Things I would LIKE to have are A)More plastic drawers to put all of Caius's diapers/clothes in, a kitchen-sized trash can with a lid on it PLUS washable wet bags for the cloth diapers, baby lotion and baby wash, spare breastfeeding accessories, different flow of nipples for his bottles (in case we end up using them before my maternity leave is over), a few more covers/pocket cloth diapers (we don't NEED them, but you can never have too many!) & I would like a swing and a play yard for Caius but that's not necessary. This is all stuff on my baby registry from Amazon. While I am not having another baby shower (that I am aware of) I still made one mostly for the sake of me paying attention to what we still would like/need if and when we have the spare money to throw out for it all. This is where you can find our list of shinanigans at:
I add/subtract from it all the time, but regardless I am certain if we got nothing else (minus little things like baby wash and a few more outfits) before Caius is born, we would be ready for him =) I can't wait to meet him and kiss his precious little face <3
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