In other news, Caius has been such a simple baby thus far. With Landon, I was hungry all the time as well as nauseous and I was always emotionally compromised and cried over everything. Landon also kicked and punched and squirmed like nobodies business! Caius is the opposite... he is active more on some days versus others, but he is so mellow with his movements. I feel more emotionally stable, my nausea has been gone for quite a while, and I hardly get hungrier than I would normally. Granted, there are days where I feel hungrier than others, but ultimately I am eating like I normally would when I'm not pregnant.
The last few days I have been getting a little bit of heartburn off and on. Sadly, I am excited about it because I believe the old wives tale of "women who have heartburn during pregnancy have babies with hair. women without heartburn have bald babies". I would love Caius to have hair! Bald babies are absolutely adorable and I will love Caius with or without hair... but it would be great to say I've had the best of both worlds: Bald and head full of hair =D

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