Monday, June 18, 2012

The wonders (well, pain) of pregnancy

I'm not normally a back sleeper, but since about 5 weeks or pregnancy I have been dying to lay on my back. I did for quite some time (I would say up until 19 weeks), and then the hip pains started. I don't even know how to describe it but I NEVER had this wonderful side effect with Landon. I'm thinking it's because I am MUCH heavier this time around than I was with Landon, but either way it BLOWS.

If I am sitting or laying down (in ANY position, but especially my back) my legs will go numb. If I adjust, it literally feels like my hips are going to dislocate. The pain is so horrendous and I fear the need to roll over or adjust while I am asleep. As for sitting, when I stand up to walk the pain is so intense that I almost cannot walk. The more I walk (well, let's be honest: It's waddling at that point) the better my hips feel and my "walking" becomes more or less normal again. It's almost like I am rusted up from being immobile so long.

However, if I DO start any kind of activity (being on my feet for ANY length of time) I start to get dizzy and out of breath and my back is a killer.. It's VERY annoying!! I am eating well, drinking pretty much NOTHING but water, especially when my son and I are out in the horrible heat playing. I stretch every morning and every evening before/after I am in/out of bed, and I usually stretch a couple times while at work. It feels GREAT when I do.

People have recommended a chiropractor but I'm not sure our insurance covers that. I know this isn't a permanent state of being (thank the good merciful Lord above!!) but it worries me to know that I still *potentially* have 15 more weeks of this awful pain that just increases on a daily basis. I've tried sleeping in different positions with pillows in places I never thought I would put them and NOTHING helps. I also do not believe it has anything to do with the way Caius is laying because it ALWAYS happens regardless of if he is laying in my pelvis or up high attacking my rib cage. It's just crazy.....

Anyway, I was definitely motivated BEFORE all of this started bothering me to loose weight, but now I am ESPECIALLY ready to go all-out and kick my own ass into shape after Caius is born and I am healed up. If we are going to have a THIRD little one someday (probably not for another 3-4 years again, LOL!) I do NOT EVER want to be this size again as I'm sure that is the *MAIN* reason I am so miserable right now.

1 comment:

  1. Big hugs! I didn't have this issue when I was pregnant but, I was maybe ten pounds overweight when I got pregnant and it probably made a huge difference. I can tell you from experience trying to lose weight now or soon after delivery will be much easier than waiting until you're my age. Now it's a pain the butt and totally sucks. Anyway, lots of love and wishes for the best! Love you, Sweetie! Try to enjoy, I know it's a challenge.
