Thursday, July 5, 2012

Instincts kickin' in!

Well, they aren't just NOW kicking in.. they have been present since about 16 weeks along and I have had to suppress them until recently when my brother Ben moved out of our house. We finally have room the other half of Landon's room back and were able to set up the crib, organize Caius' closet, and rearrange all kinds of stuff in the house =) I thought once I got the basic baby "to do" list out of the way I would feel better and the nesting would relax a bit.

It hasn't.

Every inch of my house is disgusting to me. I feel like I need to scrub every wall, vacuum every unseen corner of the house, dust anything that has any sort of surface, and what's more: I feel like I need to rearrange Caius' stuff already. AHHHH!!

I do feel a LITTLE bit accomplished though because I purchased some more clothes for him for the first month or two (after going through all of the clothes we had left over from Landon, I discovered we REALLY had NOTHING for 0-6months), and I ordered 16 more diapers and some spare inserts (I have been having mild panic attacks lately that the diapers we have will not be sufficient.. and the inserts are bamboo inserts and are supposed to be SUPER absorbent), and I also ordered 3 SMALL size diaper covers for our prefold diapers so we can use those on Caius early on. I had ordered a few other covers that were one size, but I just couldn't see them fitting him appropriately for the first month or two and decided to splurge and get a couple fitted size covers. We did a small Costco trip a few days ago and picked up a GIANT box of wipes (900 to be exact) and we now have plenty of those for a while.

I am VERY certain we are going to be just fine in the disposable diaper department after Caius gets here. I have 2 packages of size 1 diapers (Landon literally had 2 small packs of newborn size diapers that the hospital gave us, and we never used them all before he was in size 1.... he could have just started in size 1 realistically but why waste free diapers?) and I am certain we will not need more than that before his circumcision heals/umbilical cord falls off. I have a package of size 2 diapers that are unopened, and I think I am going to go ahead and sell those instead of keeping them.

I have a week and 2 days until my baby shower at Jessica's house and I am so excited for it!! I am so thankful to have such a wonderful family and group of friends who are all so helpful, generous, thoughtful and caring. I am truly blessed in my life!

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