Friday, September 23, 2011

I almost feel cheated

I have a 36 day cycle. The average woman has a 28 day cycle. Its not a bad thing, especially since my cycles are typically like clockwork. I usually ovulate on cycle day 22-24. There are some women who have these ridiculous 20-25 day cycles though. So that means by the time they have finished their full cycle and moved on to their next, Im still stuck waiting to just ovulate. Finally, when aunt flow arrives, they are already stuck in their two week wait, waiting for a positive pregnancy test or aunt flow for their NEXT cycle. Its just kind of depressing and theres nothing I can do to "control" it. I can only just not stress out in hopes of not delaying my monthly gift. I know I shouldnt let it get to me too much... Im just in a mood today. I should count my blessings: at least I am regular, even if I take a bit longer. At least I actually ovulate right on track. At least I already have a wonderful, brilliant little boy of my own. He makes it all bearable for many reasons.... First, is that I know I akm fully capable of having a baby. There are many people who cant get pregnant, or carry a baby to a term where the baby would survive... I have experienced all of the wonderful ups and downs that go along with a healthy pregnancy up until having an almost-4-year-old. I am blessed, 100%. But I still cant help feeling selfish and wanting more babies...

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