Thursday, September 29, 2011

"O" Wow!!... literally

Today I am cycle day 22.

On Sept 25, I took the last OPK I had in my posession (although I ordered more the 22nd of Sept)... The test was negative (of course, since it was only cycle day 18). However, it was dark enough to make me think my Ovulation was right around the corner. I was under the impression my tests would come in Monday the 26, but instead they didnt arrive until yesterday (wed Sept 28th, cd22).

I took one immediately upon receipt (around 1:20pm) and it wasn't as dark as cycle day 18, but pretty close. The only time the second line on my OPK's gets dark is when I'm right about to O, or right after I have. I thought perhaps I was still waiting to ovulate so I decided to take another that night (6:45 I think). There was no denying this one... Significantly lighter line. I continued to test between late last night and later this afternoon... ALL four of them were 100% negative; hardly a second line to be seen. So after thinking it through some, comparing the tests I took this cycle to last cycles tests, and asking a few others their opinions, I have come to this conclusion: I O'd either CD19 or CD20.

Here is my log I've kept this cycle... I've taken more than this, but these are the ones I kept in my log since they seemed to be the only ones that really mattered when figuring out my ovulation peak:
Pretty early for me, but I was relieved to realize that a few days of my new two week wait had already come and gone without me knowing fully! We baby danced a sufficient amount before/during my ovulation... So if there's a little eggie to catch, we should have a good chance.

Its odd to say, but I was hoping for a BFN this cycle... We have my brother moving in with us soon, Xmas and Landon's b-day are just around the corner, and I'm starting to rethink our money situation.. I think Alex is nervous too but is afraid to hurt my feelings and ask if we can stop TTC for a few months. If we do not get a positive this cycle, I think we will put our TTC journey on hold for a bit... At least until life gets sorted out more. I have this feeling in my gut (again) that we didn't catch it this time around...

I will begin testing around Oct 4th-ish. Not 100% sure when I will finally cave and start testing though to be honest... sometime next week. I have 7 preggo lab strips to use, my last First Response, and my last Clear Blue Digital test.

(This is all I ordered this cycle... I still have my 2 strips for preggo tests from last cycle, and then my two store-bought ones mentioned above. This cycle, I saw they offered more sensitive pregnancy test strips on the website for about the same as the traditional ones, so I bought those bad boys instead!)

Fingers crossed, but I will not hold my breath that it's this cycle. Stay tuned and find out!

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