Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Ha ha.... funny word...

Anyway, just wanted to update everyone quickly: no period yet. I had a couple more false positives on my internet cheapies, and even though I had one on a walmart cheapie test... but nope, silly me... I should have known better. Cycle day 47 today..... No more signs of the Witch coming either. Just a slighly achy ovary.

I've taken some OPK's and they've all stayed the same intensity... almost positive, but not quite. So I did some research... several things popped up but only one that fit about EVERYTHING I'm going through: PCOS. Poly-cystic ovarian syndrome. Lovely.

Not confirmed by any means, but it's a definite possibility. I will need to be seeing my Dr. soon....

If you don't know what it is, google it sometime. Google pictures of normal ovaries and a pic of a poly-cystic ovary. It's depressing.... Anyway, I'm done writing for the night. Goodnight everyone.

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