Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Still Pregnant...

Yup, still here and still pregnant. It's October 3, and I am 4 days overdue now. Whatever "weirdness" I was feeling a few days ago obviously turned out to be nothing.

I don't think this boy is coming on his own. I can't take it anymore for many reasons. The next person to tell me to "relax" or "your time will come" or "you won't be pregnant forever... he will be here soon enough" I will PUNCH IN THE FACE. I am SICK of hearing it. I understand you went 41 or 42+ weeks before your kids were born and blah blah blah.... I guarantee you felt THE SAME WAY I am feeling at this point and didn't want to hear anybody else tell you the above crap. It's annoying and it just irritates the piss out of me.

In any case, I have an appointment at 1:30 today.... I have read that most doctors (once you are past 40 weeks) will offer to induce you if A) you have any kind of dilation/ripening of your cervix and B) the hospital isn't full of other women in labor. I've been 2.5cm dilated and 50% effaced for 2 weeks now... I MIGHT be more so this time around, although I am not betting on it. So hopefully my doctor offers to induce... if not, I will LITERALLY get on my knees in tears and BEG him to do so. Caius has seemingly been in my birth canal for a good 4 days straight now (longest he's ever stayed there... not like he has much else of a place to go!) and it gets so painful to walk and move at times that I have been staying in bed and/or sitting down most of my days now.

I keep telling myself there's no way my doctor would NOT offer to induce me at this point, but I woke up this morning and starting thinking, "What IF he decides NOT to offer?"

Or worse, if he denies my request to be induced.

If I get denied, I am certain I will be in tears for a few days.... I love Caius and am excited for him to get here and everything I have been through thus far has been worth it to get him here, BUT I am huge, exhausted, grumpy and just DONE with being pregnant. I cannot stress that enough.. I. AM. DONE.

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