Thursday, August 18, 2011

let the madness begin!

Today marks the first day of my ovulation pee stick madness!! Im very excited to be taking at least one OPT every day until it finally turns positive!

Then, sadly, I will be in a two week wait again... But at least I can start those a few days earlier if I want to subject myself to the torture *laughter ensuing*....

I learned that talking to the few friends I confide in and blogging a out this stuff is not doing what I had hoped it would... I have gotten less than enthusiastic responses from friends that I have told (some because its boring to them, and some have mixed feelings due to their own desire to have a baby... Which I completely understand and would never hold it against them.) As far as blogging goes, its like Im talking to myself.... Which doesnt help like I had hoped. Eventually I will get people to read my blog and get feedback... But for now, its not working. So, I went looking for alternatives to the above... And joined a TTC forum called ... Its wonderful!! Honest, caring people with a ton of knowledge on almost every aspect of baby making... Its helped time go faster obsessing over other peoples TTC monthly journeys, and sharing my own... Its wonderful. It makes me feel like im not crazy for obsessing and dreaming and wishing...

Anyway, Im done for today. I will blog when I finally get my positive ovulation test!!

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